So the year has started off with a bang! Alex's class went to Maine for a zoology block trip to a place called Hermit Island! It sounded like it was a blast and I think Alex really enjoyed himself and learned a lot. The best part about this trip is that they spent it with 7 other waldorf high schools and about 100 senior waldorf students. So they know they aren't the only "weird waldorf" students out there! Alex made friends with a few students from the Toronto Waldorf School and had them on his facebook shortly after he got back, as well as the Atlanta Waldorf School. I'll post a link to the photos later.
Then we have the college visits starting up in which Alex is now looking at Guilford (Greensboro, NC) and possibly Brevard (Asheville, NC - Kim, the mountains, where we were when I was in white water rafting hell!). So we shall see how the year progresses. For now it's starting to work on scholarships - which will be a learning curve for all of us. Jared doesn't know how lucky he is that we'll be skilled for next year! HA!
We are still only a one car family so the guys have not had their practice to finish up their licensing sadly. I keep hoping it will be soon to get a 2nd used vehicle...sigh. So it's lots of driving them around for their dates and outings.
I stepped up to be the class parent for 12th grade - for those of you who know Waldorf you know that's a big job... and even bigger for 12th grade as we still have their end of year trip we need to earn money for and their graduation... wheee. So, fundraising here we come!
Jared will be starting up his internship next month for his Junior year. At this point he is still interested in being a police officer so he need to contact them this week to see if that's possible. If it is not then he next choice is Architect - don't see the correlation but at least he has a second option and either of them sound interesting to me! I think he would be great at both but we'll see what comes of it all!
Alex has his senior project as well - which is a big deal at our school. They use most of the year working on it and then in the spring they will have a presentation night to talk about their project to the community (parents, other students, etc). His project is creating a Graphic Novel - from the story creation, art work, lettering and inking - truly a huge project! He is hoping that it is worthy enough for publishing at the end. And he has found a alum parent who used to do that for a living as his mentor and we are very excited about it! It fits Alex perfectly! He was so excited about it that he started this summer with working out his idea and starting on the story line - so he's off to a great start!
I completely skipped over summer but I will get back to it at a later post and talk about my great week vacation at the beach with my sister - but for now I wanted to get all of that out there before time slipped by and we were on to the next thing in life!