Many of you have probably read Alex's blog and understand the reference to dragons. For those who haven't it is in regards to Michaelmas, a celebration in Waldorf schools all over the world. Though it is not specifically an Autumn celebration (9/29 is the official date of Michaelmas), it does help us start to wind down and get ready for those dark winter nights.
The dragon that has been fought is in regards to Jared and his decision to not become a Marine. He was finally told yesterday that he is done and no longer has to come back for his PT's and will not be called upon for Boot Camp either.
Now he has to turn his attentions to finding a job and see if he wants to start looking into college.
I am honestly very thankful that he is not joining the military. Though I have the highest respect and admiration for those who willingly sacrifice themselves for the greater good of, not just America, but the whole world, I was petrified to have my son put himself in harms way. I am sure I would never have slept well again!
Alex is off on his first adventures in Ireland for a mini-vacation with one of the other young men that is working there as well. I cannot wait to read all about it and see all the photos! He will be turning 20 in less than two weeks and I continue to be in shock at that idea. I just do not feel like that much time has gone by, and certainly don't feel old enough to have a 20 year old son - but there you have it! GAH!
I asked Alex if he wanted to vote from overseas and here was his response (from the fingertips of our new generation):
right to be completely manipulated by a backwards working system to
produce numbers that are pretty much uncheckable by me personally
because it is my damn right to be a number in the system, a tally in a
poll and voice in a sea of sounds that blabber aimlessly and
directionlessly with split reasoning's and broken logic. Yay! But I'm cynical... haha...goodnight."
We have our first break of the school year, fall break. We are not traveling anywhere this time but we will be transforming our living room with some paint! Those white walls will be a nice red very soon. I will share photos once it's complete!