Friday, September 7, 2012

Apron Strings

Alex has made it!  And boy, what an adventure he had to just get there.  If you haven't already read his adventure of just getting there you can read his blog here:

For me it has been incredibly emotional with having our first child heading out into the big world!  I really thought I was going to be okay and was ready for this but when the time came it hurt more than I had imagined.  These past few days I was having a hard time putting my finger on what exactly was creating the maelstrom of emotions. Then, when I posted my worries on facebook, a wonderful person put a message on there that helped "click" something inside and I was able to take a deep breath and let the emotions wash over me and float away.

That, along with reading what Alex experienced and how he managed to get through it and be safe, sound and finally where he needed to be, was the answer to finish out the cutting of those 'apron strings' that I did not realize I had!

So thank you Kim Allsup for imparting your wisdom so eloquently to help me work through and come out the other side feeling secure, at peace and excited for Alex's adventures in life!

If you are curious as to what she said that helped here it is: "When our son was just a bit older than Alex he also lived in Ireland for a time. But he announced before he left that he would not give us a way to contact him directly and that his phone calls and emails would be sparse...which they were. I may be the worlds most easy to freak out parent but somehow I got through this and in the process became able to trust Ben to take care of himself. Now he travels far and wide and frequently... Just back from France, the Antarctic for Christmas.  And somehow over time I just became ok with this."

For some of you this may not do much for you but, specifically it was the "... in the process became able to trust Ben to take care of himself." that was the key.  And it's not that I don't trust Alex or Jared, but that I could trust that they had become responsible adults who will figure it out and manage on their own, which is what they are supposed to do!

For those of you who still have younger children and think whatever you are experiencing or going through is difficult - it is all in preparation for when they finally head out and be the human being they are supposed to be - and, hopefully, you can be in a place to step back and watch it happen with out worrying yourself to death!

Alex is in Ireland!  Actually in Ireland - living there for a whole year!  How awesome is that!  I am so excited for him.  He will have amazing adventures and stories to share for years to come.  And I am blessed to be able to share that with him!

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