Wednesday, February 3, 2016

In 5 days I will, once again, attempt to learn roller derby.

I am both excited and petrified at the same time. Leaving me wishing that for just a little while my daddy was still alive so I could hear him say, “You've got this hon.”

The elation and joy that I experienced trying it the first time still lives in me quite strongly. Not only the fun and excitement of once again being on roller skates, but meeting the women that were there – both skilled and, just learning – were like my sisters. For the first time I felt like I belonged.

I am really not sure whether I want to be officially on the team. The commitment is quite high and there are many women I bump into here in NC that say, “Oh, I wanted to do that but the commitment is just too much!” Or, they say, “I have a good friend who was going to do it but the commitment was just too much.” What I'm really looking for is to give this Derby School a try and see if it fits with me. The commitment part is probably easier than I imagine since I no longer have any children to look after. But, for now, this is really an internal struggle – can I learn this game? Do I even like it? And, even more than that, do I have the physical capacity to do this?

Two years ago, when I tried and fell and dislocated and broke my shoulder, I guess I wasn't physically ready yet. Now, 2 years older, but yet 2 years healthier, I still need to give this a shot one more time. As I don't want to go through the rest of my life wondering...

...and that's what I think is really at the crux of all of this. As scared as I am at possibly hurting myself as badly as I did last time, I would rather try again with that possibility instead of dying with that disappointment in myself for not trying.


Blue Avenger said...

Go for it! Things not done are memories not made. Life is risk and who wants a good looking corpse anyway.

Autumn said...

Thanks! I'm feeling better today as I went to where the training will be and bought myself a super nice pair of skates from a woman in her mid-50's who said she didn't start roller derby until she was 48!