Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Persistence is not futile...

Okay, the title isn't really that great but, honestly, it is true.

Ever since I was given the big scare of my incredibly high cholesterol Shannon and I have been doing our best at making many adjustments.  From eating healthier, smaller portions, and exercise it has been a year of great change for us - albeit slow change, but, the persistence is paying off!

It has been more trying now that we are in the holiday season, but it hasn't been completely impossible and I think we are still doing fairly well.  We need to move back into eating more fruits and veggies, especially those darned leafy green things (ugh)!  But we have definitely improved on our portion sizes, which is a HUGE thing and I think has made the biggest change on how our bodies are changing.  And we have improved, but still have room for more, in the exercise department.

I did not weigh myself prior to starting off on this new path but I am pretty sure that over this past year I've lost around 25 to 30 pounds.  I have really not been watching my weight as I know that I'm gaining muscle where I'm losing fat, so I know the realities of weight loss not being my goal or focus.  And, honestly, I'm really focused more on the cholesterol as I don't want to have to start taking medications if I don't have too!  But I have definitely lost clothing sizes and can fit into quite a bit of items that haven't fit for a few years.  And that has helped me to keep up this new direction, and push myself to get even healthier.

On the exercise front we have been very successful with playing racquetball 2 or 3 times a week, and going on our daily walk at work up a very steep incline.  I continue to struggle with be consistent with my yoga but, every time I start it up, after only a few days, I feel so much better - flexibility wise and calmer in my mind - so I know it's worth it, I just suck at a daily rhythm or consistency.  But I'll keep pushing.

Sadly, the YMCA near where we work is going to be getting rid of their two racquetball courts, and I truly hate exercising for exercise sake.  I would much rather play a sport or two to get or keep in physical condition, but, alas that's not going to get to continue to happen.

There has been an offer of some new friends of ours to teach karate - apparently he is a 2nd level black belt (Or something like that), which I'm very interested in.  Otherwise it's going to be Shannon and I pushing ourselves to start doing sit-ups and longer walks, or, god forbid that thing I truly dislike, jogging or running for no reason. HA!

Wish us luck on continuing on our healthy path!  Would love to get some swim suit photos this summer and not look at myself and think, "Who the hell is that?"  but think, "There's the Kelley I remember!" Tee hee!
And I will update here what my new numbers are from my blood test this Friday... gulp!  I just wish there was a way to make things like kale taste good and not make me feel like a cow eating my cud.... sigh.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Living Room

Here are photos of what the living room used to look like:

The red patches were tests to see what color we liked, otherwise the walls were completely white.

And here are the after photos:

We are very happy with the final product!  I'm really not the big on red, but it feels right in this room.  It gives it a nice warm feeling.  And it looks nice with the fall leaf (pumpkin) color in the dining room and entry way, which you can just see in the 3rd photo above.

I'm very thankful to Jared for helping with the hard to reach spots and my hubby for being willing to put up with my need to change things every few years.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dragons have been fought...

Many of you have probably read Alex's blog and understand the reference to dragons.  For those who haven't it is in regards to Michaelmas, a celebration in Waldorf schools all over the world.  Though it is not specifically an Autumn celebration (9/29 is the official date of Michaelmas), it does help us start to wind down and get ready for those dark winter nights.

The dragon that has been fought is in regards to Jared and his decision to not become a Marine.  He was finally told yesterday that he is done and no longer has to come back for his PT's and will not be called upon for Boot Camp either.

Now he has to turn his attentions to finding a job and see if he wants to start looking into college.

I am honestly very thankful that he is not joining the military.  Though I have the highest respect and admiration for those who willingly sacrifice themselves for the greater good of, not just America, but the whole world, I was petrified to have my son put himself in harms way.  I am sure I would never have slept well again!

Alex is off on his first adventures in Ireland for a mini-vacation with one of the other young men that is working there as well.  I cannot wait to read all about it and see all the photos!  He will be turning 20 in less than two weeks and I continue to be in shock at that idea.  I just do not feel like that much time has gone by, and certainly don't feel old enough to have a 20 year old son - but there you have it! GAH!

I asked Alex if he wanted to vote from overseas and here was his response (from the fingertips of our new generation):
"My right to be completely manipulated by a backwards working system to produce numbers that are pretty much uncheckable by me personally because it is my damn right to be a number in the system, a tally in a poll and voice in a sea of sounds that blabber aimlessly and directionlessly with split reasoning's and broken logic. Yay! But I'm cynical... haha...goodnight."

We have our first break of the school year, fall break.  We are not traveling anywhere this time but we will be transforming our living room with some paint!  Those white walls will be a nice red very soon.  I will share photos once it's complete!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Life is a Roller Coaster...

I have been silent for some time on purpose.  Some things had been up in the air and there was no point in putting all of you through the same crazy roller coaster I was going through until there were answers or completion.

Sadly, neither of those things have come to fruition so I'm just gonna put it all out there and know that it could be some time before one of those two events above happen (answers or completion).

Within a few weeks after Jared signed up for the Marines and had his date of when he would be going to boot camp he found love.

Her name is Suzy and she is wonderful!  She is sweet, kind, intelligent, respectful, thoughtful and very cute!  All-in-all I think she is an awesome addition to Jared's life, and ours occasionally.

There may be some of you out there that are going "uh oh"... and that would be the right response.

Now Jared has changed his mind and does not want to join the Marines. Welcome to the mind and heart of an 18 year old "adult". HA!

It was difficult enough to wrap my mind, and my heart, around his decision to join the Marines and then I sit there after he makes that announcement having to say the following words that I never thought I would have to say, "Maybe you should follow through on your commitment and give it a shot.  Besides, I don't think you can 'quit' once you've signed the paperwork."

He went ahead and talked to his recruiter, who is skilled at such things.  My new joke, which really isn't that funny, except in my mind is, "What is the most stubborn thing on the planet?  A Marine."  The recruiter did give Jared 3 options, but Jared could only remember the specifics on 2 of them, not quite remembering the words he used for the 3rd one.  Here they are:

1. Delay your boot camp until after the holidays.  So start in the new year.
2. Change from enlisted to reserves (with, or without a delay in the boot camp).
3. Jared does not remember his words but the interpretation in his mind was that he could quit.

The recruiter told Jared to go home and take some time to think things through and that he would talk with him in a couple of weeks.

Well, the couple of weeks came and went...and Jared has been spending most of his time with Suzy at her college down in South Carolina (anywhere from 3-5 days a week).  And he still wants to quit... I know, shocking!?!

So he went back to talk with the recruiter who asked him again.  Jared told him he wants to quit.  The Sergeant said no, he won't let him.  That he needs more time to think.   So more time has passed and he went back again and spoke to someone "higher up" in the recruiting center who told Jared he won't let him quit but he will switch him over to the Reserves.

And that, my good people, is where we are at.

Jared is understandably upset and at a loss as to what to do.  We, Shannon and I, are at a loss on what to tell him other than what we think.  Jared does not seem to like our answer, but, we keep saying it in different ways - hoping that it might sink in at some point.

Our answer is - switch to the reserves.  There was some part of him that really wanted to be a Marine, and probably still does underneath it all.  It's less of a commitment then enlisted and they still help pay for some college, but not all college.  Then when he's not "being a Marine" he can have a part time job and go to the community college nearby to get some of the basic classes out of the way and still have free time to visit with Suzy and hang out with her during her breaks.

Just when I thought that hearing my son say he has joined the Marine's was one of the hardest things to deal with it only got more complicated!  I want so badly to fix this for him, but he was deteremined enough to prove that he was an adult, could make an adult decision and, though he knew we were not excited about this path (for a million reasons) that, if this was what he was totally sure was what he wanted, that we would support him and that we were proud of him.

Now I sit there looking at this 18 year old young adult and sigh and shake my head and think, "Boy, if we would only listen to the adults around us that love us we wouldn't get into such messes at 18 years old!" HA!  Remembering all the stupid things I did that, I thought I knew what I was doing... I'm finally an adult.... no one can tell me what to do... and on, and on, and on!

Unlike cutting my apron strings with Alex because of the distance, this one is tougher because he's still living here at home and looking to us for help and guidance... but I need to shove aside the nagging, painful need to "fix this" and just sit back and watch it all play out.

That's it for today.  At this point I probably won't be posting much more about Jared until there are answers or completion...  stay tuned folks!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Yellow Jackets...

...and I don't mean the clothes.

It seems we had an infestation of yellow jackets inside the wall of our house.

Jared came downstairs saying that he is hearing some strange scratching noises inside the wall in his bedroom.  That he had banged the wall with the flat of his hand and it actually caved in some, though not completely open.

So Shannon went upstairs to take a look.  He poked his thumb into the indentation that Jared's hand had made in the wall and the next thing I hear are screams coming from upstairs... that, and cursing!  Seems Shannon stuck his thumb into a yellow jacket nest in the wall of Jared's bedroom!

He and Jared immediately came out of Jared's bedroom and quickly closed the door as the bees seemed to be a bit angry, and now had an opening to come inside the house.

Jared and I quickly got on our shoes and went to home depot to get some bee killing spray.  When we came home Shannon was bundled up in a hilarious fashion.  I wish I had a photo of it but sadly I didn't think of it at the time.

He was completely bundled up in a winter jacket, goggles over his glasses, a winter hat with some kind of plastic wrap covering the rest of his face so he was protected, boots and his black leather fencing gloves to top it off!  There wasn't an ounce of flesh left exposed for the yellow jackets to easily get their stingers on.

We handed him the first of three large cans of spray and back up into the fray he went.  As he sprayed all the lose bees he yelled out that he needed a hammer to get better access to the nest in the wall so Jared bravely grabbed the hammer and went inside to give to Shannon.

After he emptied the first can we gave him a second one and a flashlight so he could make sure he was saturating the nest inside the wall.

Needless to say, we have some cleaning up to do.  Jared had to launder all his clothes and bedding that got sprayed.  Jared also kindly vacuumed up the dead bodies littering the floor and has temporarily moved into Alex's room until we clean it all up and repair the wall.

Here are the photos of the aftermath...

Friday, September 7, 2012

Apron Strings

Alex has made it!  And boy, what an adventure he had to just get there.  If you haven't already read his adventure of just getting there you can read his blog here: http://alexwileytravels.blogspot.com/

For me it has been incredibly emotional with having our first child heading out into the big world!  I really thought I was going to be okay and was ready for this but when the time came it hurt more than I had imagined.  These past few days I was having a hard time putting my finger on what exactly was creating the maelstrom of emotions. Then, when I posted my worries on facebook, a wonderful person put a message on there that helped "click" something inside and I was able to take a deep breath and let the emotions wash over me and float away.

That, along with reading what Alex experienced and how he managed to get through it and be safe, sound and finally where he needed to be, was the answer to finish out the cutting of those 'apron strings' that I did not realize I had!

So thank you Kim Allsup for imparting your wisdom so eloquently to help me work through and come out the other side feeling secure, at peace and excited for Alex's adventures in life!

If you are curious as to what she said that helped here it is: "When our son was just a bit older than Alex he also lived in Ireland for a time. But he announced before he left that he would not give us a way to contact him directly and that his phone calls and emails would be sparse...which they were. I may be the worlds most easy to freak out parent but somehow I got through this and in the process became able to trust Ben to take care of himself. Now he travels far and wide and frequently... Just back from France, the Antarctic for Christmas.  And somehow over time I just became ok with this."

For some of you this may not do much for you but, specifically it was the "... in the process became able to trust Ben to take care of himself." that was the key.  And it's not that I don't trust Alex or Jared, but that I could trust that they had become responsible adults who will figure it out and manage on their own, which is what they are supposed to do!

For those of you who still have younger children and think whatever you are experiencing or going through is difficult - it is all in preparation for when they finally head out and be the human being they are supposed to be - and, hopefully, you can be in a place to step back and watch it happen with out worrying yourself to death!

Alex is in Ireland!  Actually in Ireland - living there for a whole year!  How awesome is that!  I am so excited for him.  He will have amazing adventures and stories to share for years to come.  And I am blessed to be able to share that with him!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Alex is almost on his way...

We will be taking Alex to the airport tomorrow morning before going to work.  This should be so mundane and normal and yet my heart continues to have palpitations and my stomach is doing flip flops and butterflies like you cannot even begin to understand.

It seems that he will not get a chance to visit his friend in Boston, so he will be stuck at the Boston Logan airport for about 10 hours tomorrow before he take his next flight to Frankfurt, Denmark for yet another long layover for 10 hours to take his last flight from Frankfurt to Dublin!

Sadly, when he lands in Dublin it will be to late to take the last bus to Callan and will actually have to spend his first night in Dublin in the freaking Dublin airport!  He will be taking a bus early the next morning Sept. 6th to Callan and start his year of service at the Ballytobin Camphill in County Kilkenny, Ireland.

I'm hoping he gets enough sleep on the plane flight from Boston to Frankfurt that he'll be well rested to hang out with all the amazing amenities that the Frankfurt Airport has to offer - like showers, massages, banks and even gambling!  All within the confines of the security side of the airport!

Then from there he will get any more sleep he needs from 11pm in Dublin time (4am our time) until 6am when he can catch the first bus out from Dublin to Callan!

There is so much more that I want to say but none of it will make any sense to most.  The feelings and emotions are swirling around in absolute chaos.  I have loved and guided and raised Alex for the past 19 years and to let go is the hardest thing I've ever done!

I know it's not permanent and I know we'll have plenty of times to chat via skype and email and blog, but, the house will not be the same without Alex's presence from day-to-day and that's a hard pill to swallow for me!

I love him very much and want only the best for him.  His life is just starting as an adult and it is very exciting!  And yet there is a part of me that wants to have the Alex Wiley that was just starting kindergarten for the first time ever!

For those of you that want to know how to see what is happening with Alex in Ireland, here is his blog: http://alexwileytravels.blogspot.com/


Friday, August 24, 2012


Apparently there are some family and friends who know about my incredibly high cholesterol that I had not updated of where I was currently at...my apologies!

For those of you who don't know, I had my blood tested for the first time ever, back in late January this year and apparently my OB/GYN was quite nervous about the numbers.  Not ever having had my cholesterol checked before and not knowing a thing about the numbers, as she started to ramble them off I really had no clue.  But from the tone in her voice she sounded quite nervous.

My total number was 303.  My good cholesterol was too low and my bad cholesterol was way too high.  I don't remember all the numbers and don't have the paperwork nearby.  At any rate, she wanted me to see a primary care physician ASAP.  So I did...

This was in late January, and in late February (that's how long it took to get an appointment with a new primary care physician) I met with my primary care physician, worried about her wanting to instantly put me on medication.  After talking to many people at work prior to that appointment they were all telling me, "Don't start taking meds.  If you do, you'll never get off them again."  Great!  So I have to start off with possibly arguing with my brand new primary care physician - no worries - this will work out great.... **sigh**

Well, fortunately she looked over all my information, and asked me lots of questions.  I told her that my husband and I started working out in January, playing racquetball, and that I had a goal of getting healthy.  She was happy to hear that, and because I had no other medical problems or conditions, was not taking any drugs at all and was generally healthy except for the weight and cholesterol, she said, "Well, let's see if diet and exercise will bring your numbers down before we consider putting you on any medication."

I was ecstatic!  Wow!  A main stream doctor NOT wanting to immediately prescribe me drugs! Woo hoo!

So, the deal was that I would come back in less than 4 months and have my blood re-tested and then we would meet and go over the numbers... and go from there.

Well, I went back in mid-June, had my blood taken again and then met with the doctor a week later.

Great news!  It has dropped, not a lot, but it is now at 264, which is a good sign, and I also lost 10 lbs.  So, she is going to give me 6 more months and come back again to see where I'm at and then decide if I can keep up the good habits and keep going down, or if I am genetically predisposed to high cholesterol and that there might be a point where it just won't go down anymore.  From there we can talk about meds, if we need them at all.

She was quite surprised at my progress.  I don't think she has many success stories and that made me feel incredibly good, and proud.

Since then Shannon and I have been continuing the racquetball.  We do at least three times a week.  And now that school has started back up we are back to our daily walks, which are quite intense... the road we walk has been called heartbreak hill.  The incline is extremely intense - so we are definitely getting our heart rates up and sweating and breathing hard by the time we make it to the top!

We have also decided to go back to a vegetarian diet - thanks to our good friend Jenn!  She turned us on to a very funny doctor who has a great blog/video blog with all the scientific data of why a vegan diet is healthier for cholesterol, cancer and many other issues.  We aren't vegan yet, but eventually we will get there.  For now just cutting out meat is our first step, then eventually cheese, milk and eggs.  And, for now we've added back in nuts because apparently they are incredibly healthy and you don't even need to eat that much... though, honestly, I love nuts and am glad to be able to spend our money on that instead of meat!

So, there you have it... for those who knew and wondered... and for those who didn't... well, now you know!

I'm on the road to "recovery" so to speak.  Moving and exercising and feeling good again, and eating healthier and healthier each day!

Monday, August 20, 2012


Jared had an exciting physical training last Wednesday.  He called it the insanity workout.  It was about 1 1/2 hours of just non-stop craziness apparently.  I cannot remember everything he said he did but, from what I can tell that workout was specifically for endurance building only!  Kudos to Jared for only being sore in the calves - that's quite impressive!

On the Alex front we FINALLY have a date of when he's flying the coop!  His plane tickets are for September 4th!  He is very amped and excited - cause he's going to Ireland for a year!  Sadly, his old classmate from the Waldorf School of Cape Cod, who is Alex's age of only 19 years old has ALS (at type of leukemia) and just had a relapse and is back in Boston Children's hospital.  She is looking at alternative types of possibilities since she's just recently been through chemo and a bone marrow transplant.  So, she'll still be in Boston when Alex is heading out to Ireland.

So, with that in mind Alex is stopping in Boston for the day first on his way out.  He'll have to take the T line from the airport to the hospital and back again while dragging ALL of his luggage.  He's such a sweetheart! HA!

I am very proud of Alex, as is Shannon, and we are excited for this new opportunity, and yet, feeling sad that he will be gone for a year.  I may have mentioned this before but he is going to try and set up a blog once he gets there to keep all of us up-to-date on what he is learning, seeing and doing.  If he does set one up I promise to link it up here and on facebook.

That's it for now.  Lots and lots of changes.  Our oldest is out the door first, but he will be back.  It's my baby going to boot camp that will be even harder!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Not A lot of New News

Not a whole lot new to update you on.

Alex is still waiting on his passport and from there he will figure out his flight over and when to get started.  For now he is learning a few things about Callan, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland.  Though Callan seems like a smaller town in the county of Kilkenny, it seems that the vikings are definitely part of their history there - which is quite cool.  In Kilkenny, the city, there looks like quite a lot of tourism to do.  Hopefully Alex will get the chance!

Jared has started physical training with his Marine recruiter.  He will be going every Wednesday morning to increase his strength and endurance - doing pull-ups, push ups, crunches and running at least 1.5 or more miles.  Then every 2nd Saturday of each month he is doing some 'bonding' with other recruits.  Yesterday was his first time.  They played combat soccer with about 30 or 35 recruits, no using of the hands to shove or push but they could use their bodies to push each other out of the way to get to the ball.  If you used your hands you had to go to the side and do 2 minutes of some sort of calisthenics - which was a good thing because trying to play soccer with that many people on a small field was quite difficult, but luckily people were out on the sides quite often. HA!  They also did some line running where they had to take turns rotating who was in front, run in unison, and learned some marching and turning along with some of his first cadences.  He came home tired but seemed quite pumped up about the whole experience!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Military Mom

It was a long day for Jared yesterday, most of it spent sitting around, waiting doing nothing.  But here is what happened and what is next.

As I said in the previous blog, he was taken to Raleigh on Monday afternoon so that he can take the ASVAB and then he stayed the night there and woke up at 4:30am yesterday morning.  He did end up having a roommate, another guy who was about Jared's age.  Apparently they go by last names so the other guys name was Williams.

Williams came in with some envelope that Jared did not receive so Jared asked about it.  Williams told him that it was the test results from the ASVAB and that he just happened to be at the right place at the right time to get it.  Apparently, whoever gave Williams his envelope said that Wiley had scored the highest they had in this past quarter!  Jared scored 95% on the ASVAB!

After they had breakfast they were bussed over to the military's building nearby for their physicals, and, a ton more paperwork.  Jared said he was asked the same questions over and over again - mostly whether he was a terrorist or anarchist.  I guess they really want to make sure that if anything happens later that they can say, "Well, we asked 100 times if they were a terrorist and they said no.  What more can we do?" (Smile)

Then he just sat around in the lobby of this place and watched TV or chatted with some of the other inductees.  Jared thought that he was to go over his career choices after finding out his test score but that seemed to not be the case so it was just waiting until the time came for all of the young inductees were done - then they had them come together to take their pledge in a group, and then sign their official forms to join the military!

So, it's official.  Jared has joined the Marines.  He will be meeting with his recruiter later this week or early next week to decide his career choice - in which he should have any choice he wants with such a high score on the test.  And, this Thursday he and the other 14 or 15 young men and women who were with Jared will all be going to a Durham Bulls baseball game in Durham and before the game starts will be out in the park to do their pledge once again in front of all the people in the audience!

Jared's ship out date to boot camp at Parris Island, SC is November 26th, right after Thanksgiving.  Boot camp is 3 months, and when he completes that he will immediately be trained for the next 8 weeks or so for the career path he has chosen before he gets shipped or placed wherever the Marines want him to go.

We are so very proud of Jared and so very sad to see him go.  A four year commitment is such a long time - and yet, really it will go by in a blink of an eye for him.  But we know he will be successful and find himself and his path along the way.  We love you kiddo!

And now I am a Military Mom - a whole new job and a whole new life to learn...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Empty Nest

I couldn't do two difficult posts in one day.  It's been hard enough to process everything that is going on internally, let alone trying to communicate it out to friends and family.

Alex has finally chosen a path - at least for this coming year.  And that path is working at Camphill Ballytobin in Ireland.  Yes, I said Ireland!

Camphill is an international charitable trust working with people with intellectual disabilities and other kinds of special needs.  This one in particular is working with children with special needs.

Alex's 12th grade end of year trip was working at a Camphill in Pennsylvania and he did an amazing job there.  Though it was difficult at times, he truly enjoyed his overall experience and, after taking time off this past year doing three different jobs, decided that this is what he wants to do next.

He has been accepted and has to wait for his passport to come, then he will be on his way.

So, in a few more weeks Alex will be packed up and boarding a plane to Callan, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland.

I am incredibly proud of him and glad to see him continue the work that he seemed to connect to and do so well at back when he was in 12th grade in high school.  He has an amazing skill working with all children of all ages, but to be able to handle and connect to children with special needs is completely amazing and humbling and awe inspiring for me.

More to come on the exact date he leaves - and then from there, hopefully lots of photos and emails and skype calls to keep up with his next year in Ireland!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Between Pride and Panic

Some of you have already experienced your children growing up and going out to have their own life... others, well, there is still so much to look forward to before that happens.

It's funny how you raise your children, knowing deep down inside that they are not yours, but a gift to you to guide and love, and learn from as well as teach.  We raised our boys to be conscientious objectors - or, so we thought.

I sit here, with highly mixed emotions - somewhere between pride and panic - as Jared is in Raleigh this evening, having finished up his ASVAB and, tomorrow has his physical, goes over his test score to figure out his career, and then takes the pledge to become a Marine

Yes, that's right - a marine.

He was contacted by a recruiter about 3 or 4 weeks ago, after having gone to their website and asked to be contacted a month or more prior.  This isn't coming to us a complete surprise as he has been talking about becoming a police officer, or possibly joining the military for the past year or so.  But the discussions were that, and nothing more.

And now that discussion has finally become a reality.

(The panic...) I am thankful that it was a year long discussion, as the first time Jared mentioned his interest in possibly joining the military to us, it took every ounce of ourselves to not blurt out, "Are you fucking nuts?" but to calmly just listen and nod and say, "Okay, well, that is a possibility... that you should think hard on, and research to see if you are sure."  And then, each time it came back up the seriousness of it kept sinking in more and more.  But even after all that time and talk, having the reality upon us is still a struggle - with all the dangers that come along with being in the military, along with no longer being an individual but part of the collective of the government, and so on.

(The pride...) The other side of the coin is what an amazing young man he has become to feel the need to do something as courageous as becoming a marine.  Wanting to help people, wanting to be a part of something bigger, wanting to better himself as a human being, wanting to push himself to new limits and see how he comes out on the other end!  These are things we should all strive for - and so I am overwhelmed with pride for my baby (yes, he will always be my baby) boy to be brave enough to do!

For all of you parents out there who's children are still young - just remember that they all have their own paths to follow - and the best thing you can do is to give them all the support and love you can to help them on their way!

Once we know more tomorrow about what his career choices are, and, more importantly, when he'll be shipping off to Boot Camp - I will post something more.

I leave you with some Absolute Standards of the Marines - that I had been posting on Facebook...
The Marines set some absolute standards for their people to follow:

Tell the truth.
Don't give up.
Don't whine or make excuses.
Do your best, no matter how trivial the task.
Choose a difficult right over the easy wrong.
Look out for the group before you look out for yourself.
Judge others by their actions, not their words or their race.

Have a Fulfilling Life