Sunday, January 25, 2009

Audieu to our Dot Kitty

It is with great sadness that I make this post tonight. Our most favorite, sweet, kind, loving, soft, happy, purr-fect companion, Dot Kitty has passed away tonight.

No traumatic car accident, no injury, no illness as far as we can tell, just her time to go. We thought she might have a cold as the past 24 hours she has not really been eating, which is completely not normal for Dot. But about 15 minutes ago Mary came into the living room with a frantic, "Come here now!" to Shannon. Dot was just outside her door and she was laying on her side, not moving. Shannon picked her up and as we talked about whether we should call an emergency vet Dot made one last kind of cough sound and stopped Shannon's warm arms.

I don't have a photo of her on the PC but will put one on this blog later (probably tomorrow) in honor of the little kitten that Jared so badly wanted us to keep.

She was our boys first pet that has been with us for 10 years, from her birth until death. She will be greatly missed by all of us. We love you very much Dot!

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