Monday, January 26, 2009

Emotionally Exhausting Day

Well, from last nights end of Dot kitty passing away to today I think I've squeezed the whole week into less than 24 hours!

Shannon has been having a tooth problem and I finally got him to see an Endodontist today, during school to start having the tooth worked on. After being sick almost all last week with a fever and cough, and then this tooth problem and then Dot dying last night it's no wonder what happened next...

The dentist decided that he needed to do some immediate drilling on his tooth to put some kind of antibiotic "fill" inside to get rid of the infection, and after announcing that he then needed to take Shannon's blood pressure.

It was so high that they thought their machine was broken so went and got another machine and took it a 2nd time, to no avail. They decided that not only were they NOT going to work on his tooth but that he needed to either see his Dr. or call his Dr. to see what they wanted to do. So they call his Dr.'s office, but she wasn't in, but they checked with another Dr. who said that he needed to go to a hospital right away.


So, after getting a prescription for amoxicillan and driving directions to UNC Hospital and calling back to the school to say that Shannon would not be back for his next class because his blood pressure was so to the hospital we went.

5 hours later with a 2 week high blood pressure medication and some sort of pain pill for his tooth we are now safely back at home.

Faculty and class parents were all very us quiche, soup and a casserole for dinner tonight and offerings of more food to come and even driving our boys to school tomorrow if we couldn't...all just an amazing community when emergencies are abound!

I had my first huge glimpse or flash of possibly loosing my husband...the man of my soulmate...being gone...and it wasn't a lovely glimpse at all.

We will be resetting that dentist appointment tomorrow along with his Dr. and moving onto a regular Md. to get this high blood pressure undercontrol. I want Shannon around for another 50 years at least!

In exhaustion...Me

1 comment:

Devin said...

I'm glad that things are under control now. Just make him take his drugs.